"RT10連鎖したら全裸うpする" is a Japanese sentense. It says "If the post is retweeted and retweeted again as 10 times, I'll upload my naked photo." Unfortunately I don't know who originally posted it.
I think the most difficult part of it is "うp". It is an internet slang. It came from "upload" and its first 2 letters "up" changed into it. "全裸" means "completely naked" and "10連鎖" means "chain of 10 degrees".
An anonymous writer of 2ch, the largest anonymous BBS in Japan found the original post: http://twitter.com/ichitaso/status/6370788497

Unfortunately (?) ichitaso is male. This is a thumbnail of his naked photo:

The original photo on twitpic was already removed. Someone might download and re-upload it, but I don't want to search it.
It was originally tweeted by @ichitaso.
LOL.. he is hilarious!!
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